Chat Games Etiquette

Chat Etiquette

It's great to join in the chat with your bingo roomies. You can make new friends, catch up with your bingo roomies and enjoy some engaging chat, 24hrs a day, every day of the year. To ensure that our chat rooms are fun and that everyone feels welcome, we do have some very simple conditions that we ask all our players to adhere to.

Chat Room Conditions

 • Under no circumstances should roomies be offensive to any CyberBingo Host, Support member, CyberBingo staff member or any other roomies.

 • No arguing or bickering at any time. Complaints are best handled in the form of a direct email to [email protected].

 • NO Soliciting funds from any of the chat members.

 • Please, only allow for CyberBingo chat hosts to use CAPITAL LETTERS. This will take away from any possible confusion and make chat assistance & games more pleasurable.

 • Roomies must be always courteous to others and there must not be any mention of other bingo sites in the chat room. Members are here to play CyberBingo.

 • Roomies MUST show respect towards CyberBingo Hosts, Support Staff, Manager's authority, and all other roomies always.

 • Do not lament any winner during a winning streak; this will just instigate other players to feel that the winner is depriving everyone to win. Repeated occurrences may result in having your chat privileges disabled permanently.

 • Roomies are not permitted to use foul language, racial, sexual, or ethnic slurs at any time.

 • Do welcome new chat members as they log in to chat.

 • Any alias should be registered in good taste. (Offensive aliases will not be accepted and changed without question) Should you wish to change your alias name, please send your request via email to [email protected].

 • Do make suggestions that will further enhance our fun chat atmosphere.

 • Feel free to bring up any interesting topics for discussion.

 • In the absence of a CyberBingo Host, one may copy/paste any offensive violations in the form of an e-mail and forward it to [email protected] (all such cases will be kept anonymous and confidential. The sender of the e-mail will never be mentioned).

 • Do help 'newbies' in the chat room. It is an extension of good chat conduct.

 • No impersonating another person in chat.

 • No exchanging account information.

 • Roomies must refrain from gossiping about other players. This is seen as rude and can be taken offensively by others.

 • All Chat room members must be 18 years of age or older to participate in the chat room activities.

The following action will take place should there be a violation made to any of the Chat Room Conditions:

 • Players will be warned in public chat and reminded which rule has been broken. They will then be referred to this page and be advised to stop their actions.

 • Should these actions continue, Management or a Support Staff member may revoke that user's chat privileges or possibly disable their account altogether.

 • Any disabled player may earn their chat privileges back only by e-mailing our [email protected] explaining their situation or any possible misunderstanding. Our Chat Manager will reply to any such case with a fair decision.